TRAVELER’S notebook

TRAVELER’S notebook is a paper notebook designed by Japan’s TRAVELER’S COMPANY. It’s a quality notebook especially allowing me to organise paper documents (e.g. boarding pass), collect stuff (e.g. paper tickets) and sketch/write on the go when I am travelling because of their leather starter kit and a series of accessories.

A regular-size TRAVELER’S notebook consists of 64 pages. Unlike a 250-page Moleskine you can easily finish a book in one or two trips. If you need more you can bring two or three notebooks binding into your own starter kit. You can organise your contents after coming back, and get a refill binder to make all of your related notebooks into one big collection.

Customisation is the key

I like TRAVELER’S notebook because it allows me to have more freedom on how to show my work in ways I like while I don’t have to worry about anything (e.g. style, if I can finish all of the pages, as you know, it’s not easy to fill all in Moleskine which has a lot of pages.) I like the fact that I can also design my cover as well!

Starting in 2015 when I was not skilful in sketching. I used it to collect leaflets and train/admission tickets and stick all of them into the notebook with some writings. The lightweight allows me to start easily and gain a good habit of sketching a little bit more every time!




Crystal Palace Park exhibition