Pixelated Chronicles: Tales of Hong Kong Outlying Islands
During this summer I was glad to collaborate with That Boat Is at Dock to provide illustrative materials for the zine workshop, as a part of Pixelated Chronicles: Tales of Hong Kong Outlying Islands exhibition. My postcard is being sold there too!
If you are in Hong Kong and interested in islands in the city, feel free to visit the exhibition before 6 October and take part in zine workshop, sharing and tour!
Pixelated Chronicles: Tales of Hong Kong Outlying Islands (From 23 August to 6 October 2024) is being held on 33 Wyndham Street, Central. Opening every day from 11am to 9pm
這個夏天有幸與香港的 埋洲!(That Boat Is at Dock)合作,於展覽【拾像:香港外島絮語】中的其中一個活動「小誌拼貼工作坊」提供圖像素材,以及提供主題明信片於場內發售。這個展覽很有意義,因為 埋洲! 本身在Instagram讓大家看到香港你也未必知道的離島之餘,展覽更讓大家有機會透過各種圖像,深入探索外島蘊含的文化、環境和經濟價值。
展覽亦帶來一系列活動,除了上面提到的小誌工作坊,還有導賞團和講座,詳情可於That Boat Is at Dock瀏覽。如果你正身處香港,不妨看看了解!
由Wyndham Social及Project: As if ___ 攜手呈獻