Alvin Cheng | Illustrator

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Southbank Portrait Session — a great event to enjoy portrait sketches in London

In London, there are many sketching events, from urban sketching to still life to portrait sketching. Usually a portrait sketching event lasts for a certain period of time (like 2 hours) even with a fee (especially when a model is needed during life drawing), but there is one that you can feel free to sketch a lot of portraits as you like for free.

Southbank Portrait Session is held every Sunday, usually from 12:30 to 18:30 (it can be longer). The location can be Southbank Centre and/or Barbican Centre depending on the space availability. You don’t have to commit the schedule: feel free to come and leave anytime.

Every model lasts for 15 minutes while the model is also a sketcher here. That means you can be a model if you like.

There is no limitation of the format and you can bring your own tools and materials you like. You can sketch only the head and even the whole body (fashion) of portraits, and even the whole scene (this is what I tried in both venues). Or any creative ways of expression or contents especially no one has done yet! Most importantly is your own way you feel comfortable or confident!

I have joined for almost a year so I have a collection now. I usually do it on iPad. Sometimes I sketched the portraits individually, sometimes with each sketcher, sometimes with the surrounding architecture. I would love to integrate my urban sketching style.

During the throw down, you will also see how many people’s works are amazing.

These are the works from other sketchers drawing me!

Southbank Portrait Session

  • More details can be found on Instagram.

  • 12:30-18:30 (can be longer) every Sunday on Southbank Centre and/or Barbican Centre.