Southbank Portrait Session — a great event to enjoy portrait sketches in London
Sketching events Alvin Cheng Sketching events Alvin Cheng

Southbank Portrait Session — a great event to enjoy portrait sketches in London

In London, there are many sketching events, from urban sketching to still life to portrait sketching. Usually a portrait sketching event lasts for a certain period of time (like 2 hours) even with a fee (especially when a model is needed during life drawing), but there is one that you can feel free to sketch a lot of portraits as you like for free.

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My road to sketching
Alvin Cheng Alvin Cheng

My road to sketching

I am not an art graduate. Besides the compulsory art lessons during my primary and secondary studies, I did not attend any other kinds of professional art trainings. I started in since my 30s and have become a self taught, so this article will explain how I started and developed it, as well as my perception of art.

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